“The Cultural Alliance of York County and the County of York Announce “I Voted” Sticker Contest Winners for 2024

Estella Dugger, Grade 6-8

Maddie Zarate, Grade 9-12

Kylie Fisher, Grade K-5
York, PA – The Cultural Alliance of York County and the County of York have selected three winning designs submitted by over 200 K-12 grade students for York’s “I Voted!” stickers to be used in the November 5, 2024 Presidential General Election and the 2025 Primary Election.
A committee of local educators, a Judge of Elections, and artists chose a winning design from each age group to be produced into the commemorative 2-inch “I Voted” stickers that will be given to York County residents casting ballots in the 2024 General Election and the 2025 Primary Election.
The winners are:
- Grades K-5th winner: Kylie Fisher, Logos Academy (Image attached)
- Grades 6-8th winner: Estella Dugger, Home Schooled (Image attached)
- Grades 9-12th winner: Madeline Zarate, Northern York High School (image attached)
“This was a tough decision for our panel,” shared Kelley Gibson, President of the Cultural Alliance of York County. “We had so many talented submissions that really showcased the uniqueness of York County and civic pride in our elections process by these students. We were thrilled with the participation of so many students around the county in the first-ever competition.”
“Identifying opportunities to engage our future voters is important,” stated President Commissioner Julie Wheeler. “This contest was an innovative way for students to showcase their artistic talent and learn about voting. With approximately 200 submissions in our inaugural year, I am thrilled with the level of engagement and am excited to see newly designed I Voted Stickers in the 2024 General Election.”
York County voters will receive one of the three I Voted sticker designs at their local polling place when they cast their ballot on Tuesday, November 5th 2024 or when they turn in their ballot at the York County Elections office.
Founded as a United Arts Fund in 1999, the Cultural Alliance’s annual campaign currently supports arts organizations and artists that are essential to arts and culture in our community.
Over the past 23 years they’ve invested $13 million in cash and $2.5 million in in-kind support for the arts. Through critical operational grants, the Cultural Alliance is the lifeline for arts and culture in York County.
For more information, call the Cultural Alliance at
717-812-9255, visit our website at
www.culturalyork.org, visit the Cultural Alliance of York on Facebook, and follow @CulturalYork on Instagram.