Donor Impact

Arts Forever
Legacy Society

To ensure that we continue our mission to fuel the creative energy and vibrancy of our community now and for the future, the Cultural Alliance of York County has launched the Arts Forever Legacy Society.

The society recognizes individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy to the arts by including a gift to the Cultural Alliance endowment in their will, trust or estate plan.


Knowing your legacy gift will support our arts and cultural community in perpetuity and will encourage others to do the same.


As a member of the Arts Forever Legacy Society in all our published contributor lists, in newsletters and annual reports, and on our website unless anonymity is desired.


To all Arts Forever Legacy Society events and social activities.

What we Do

Arts Forever Legacy Supporters

The Arts Forever Legacy Society will provide a way to recognize and thank donors for their legacy gifts our arts and cultural community, which will ensure arts and culture continue to be a positive force in our community for current and future generations

Only a statement of intent to leave a gift to the Cultural Alliance of York County is required to become a member of the Arts Forever Legacy Society and the gifts can be of any amount.

Letter of intent can be mailed to:
Kelley Gibson
Cultural Alliance of York County
2536 Eastern Blvd, PMB 402
York, PA 17402

Pillars endowment building partners

Arthur J & Lee R Glatfelter Foundation

Ms. Roberta Geidner

Powder Mill Foundation

Arts Forever Legacy society inaugural class of 2021

Louis J. Appell, Jr.*

Jared and Heather Bean

Scott and Suzanne Becker

Robert and Katie Berkebile

Tony and Stef Campisi

Joel and Kelley Gibson

Arthur J. Glatfelter*

James K. Fowler

Frances M. Polk

Bob and Donna Pullo

Ralph Serpe and Bryan Tate

Charles B. Whittaker*

Charlie and Holly Wise

Coni Wolf

William and Kimberly Yanavitch, II

William H. Simpson*

Jay Yeaple

Rodney and Mary Yeaple

James R. Zarfoss, Jr.*

John & Kathryn* Zimmerman Fund of the York County Community Foundation

*Forever Remembered

Why the Legacy Society?

“The Arts have always been important in my life, and the Cultural Alliance provides our community with a thriving Arts scene. By joining the Arts Forever Legacy Society, I can ensure York’s Arts scene for generations!”

Bryan Tate, Arts Forever Co-Chair

“The arts enrich our lives and experiences in so many positive ways.  They enable us to see a world filled with artistic expressions that bring us enjoyment, fulfillment and a greater appreciation and respect for the diversity in our world.  We know the quality of life in any community is directly tied to the strength of its arts and cultural treasures.  Supporting the Arts Forever Legacy Society will help ensure that current and future generations of York Countians will enjoy a higher quality of life, both individually and collectively.”

Tony Campisi, Arts Forever Co-Chair

We’ve always believed in the importance of the arts and want to help ensure that York’s cherished cultural gems are here and viable for future generations to come. In appreciation for the many ways that arts and culture have enriched our lives personally, we’ve chosen to include the Cultural Alliance in our estate plan.

Rodney and Mary Yeaple