Cultural and Outdoor Asset Study being Launched in York County

by | Apr 26, 2022 | 0 comments

York, PA – The Cultural Alliance of York County and the York County Economic Alliance have partnered to launch a comprehensive study to map York County’s cultural and outdoor ecosystems to better understand the impact these organizations have on the region’s narrative and quality of place. This study, being conducted by Fourth Economy Consulting, will analyze the variety of outdoor and cultural assets in York County to better understand how to support local artists, workers, organizations, and businesses that comprise York County’s creative and outdoor recreation economies. 

The first step of the study is a community-led survey  to be filled out by artists, workers, and leaders of organizations or companies who reflect the definitions of cultural and outdoor recreation economies as described below. Information from this survey will be used to create an ecosystem map of York County’s cultural and outdoor assets that will be available to the public. 

The cultural economy includes activities related to performing and visual arts, fairs and festivals, museums, historic preservation sites and buildings, heritage sites, cultural education, arts entrepreneurs and makers, design, media and communications, filmmaking, music recording and production, journalism, book and magazine publishing, and libraries. 

The outdoor recreation economy encompasses outside leisure activities and the spaces these activities take place in, such as parks, trails, gardens, nature preserves, marinas, game lands, and amateur sports practice and playing facilities. It also includes agritourism and farmers markets, along with businesses that serve the outdoor recreation economy, such as outfitters, plant nurseries and landscaping, or trail-oriented hospitality businesses.

Click here to take the survey.


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